2023 | Nelumbo Consultancy - Part 2

Anger Management Counselling in Richmond

Anger issues aren’t uncommon and the first step towards change is admittance of the problem. Learning to stop isn’t as simple as some may think, but together we can come up with a game plan tailored exclusively to you.

Anger is a normal human response and reaction to what upsets us. It’s important to understand that it’s very human to feel angry. Anger is part of our emotions and we’re allowed to feel it. Some of us have learned to self-manage our anger and some of us remain quiet until it begins to subside. Within a successful anger management program, patients learn techniques to control their anger and to recognize the signs before an outburst can occur. Anger management isn’t about not feeling anger, it’s about controlling our response when we feel it. If you learn how to control your emotions overall, you’ll inevitably control your anger.

Anger Management in Richmond

Anger Management has proven to be effective for the following types of individuals:

  • Violent offenders
  • People who display bullying behaviors
  • People affected by behavioral changes associated with traumatic brain injury
  • People who experience behavioral changes associated with posttraumatic stress
  • People experiencing substance dependency or undergoing recovery
  • People with cognitive or mental health issues that make it difficult to control anger

If you or someone you know is experiencing anger management issues, please contact Nelumbo Consultancy today or Call us now – 0203 929 9125 so we can schedule an appointment for you.

How to Control Anger Before an Outburst?

Harnessing our anger can be challenging, especially if the feeling of anger inside escalates quicker than we expect. But, how to control anger? Here are three most important anger management techniques to help to control your anger as it escalates:

  • Exercise/Physical Work
  • Figure out what’s really behind your anger
  • Pay attention to your triggers

If you require further information regarding Depression Counselling in Richmondplease Contact Nelumbo Consultancy today or Visit at nelumboconsultancy.com or Call us now – 0203 929 9125 to Book Appointment with Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal.

Couples Counselling near Richmond

Couples Counselling can be a positive experience at any stage of a relationship, as relationships pass through various stages new challenges and possibilities arise where counselling can facilitate growth, change and alleviate conflict. Very often, it is helpful when one or both of you are feeling misunderstood or isolated, or when you identify negative and destructive patterns. Couples counselling otherwise referred to as relationship counselling or, marriage counselling is an opportunity to air hurt and angry feelings in a safe, private and controlled setting and can help free you to find new, more positive, ways of relating.

What to Expect From Couples Counselling in Richmond

As Couples Counsellors in Richmond we provide a warm, supportive and non-judgmental environment, and we do not take sides. Couples counsellors do not come to the sessions with an agenda; we are not there to tell you what to do or to manipulate you into staying together. We are there to facilitate you in finding your own way forward; for some couples this will mean finding a more creative and positive future for the relationship, while for others it may mean helping you to accept and manage the end of a relationship.

In our assessment session we will clarify the issues on which we can seek to address in the therapy. For many clients this usually involves an initial commitment to ten sessions either on a weekly or fortnightly basis. However where there are multiple issues or where significant issues arise during the therapy a longer-term model will be appropriate.

Who Comes for Couples Counselling in Richmond?

Our clients come with a variety of concerns including breakdowns in communication, parenting, fertility, sexual relations, infidelity, financial pressures, loss or bereavements, work issues, transitions including preparing for marriage or managing a break up, cultural differences and age differential. We have experience of working with heterosexual and same sex couples, couples from mixed cultural backgrounds and couples from early twenties through to sixties.

Our Counselling and Psychotherapy Services

We have many years of experience, and provide a wide range of Counselling and Psychotherapy services. We also offer a range of approaches including Integrative Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy and Existential Psychotherapy.

Contact us for our Couples Counselling in Richmond

If you require further information regarding our Couples Counselling in Richmond please Contact Nelumbo Consultancy today or Visit at nelumboconsultancy.com or Call us now – 0203 929 9125 to Book Appointment with Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal.

Techniques to Help Change Negative Thoughts of Depression

Depression is a mental health issue that can affect anyone. It is complex illnesses that can make individuals feel sad, hopeless, and empty. Depression can impact a person’s thinking, behavior, and mood. Individuals suffering from depression often have negative thoughts that can lead to a vicious cycle of self-doubt, guilt, and hopelessness. But the good news is that there are techniques that can help manage the negative thoughts of depression.

1. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT):

CBT is one of the most effective techniques for changing negative thoughts of depression. It is a short-term therapy that helps individuals to recognize and modify negative thought patterns. In CBT, individuals work with a therapist to identify negative thinking patterns and learn how to replace these thoughts with positive ones. CBT helps individuals to understand how their thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes affect their emotions and behaviors.

2. Mindfulness Meditation:

Mindfulness meditation is another effective technique for changing negative thoughts of depression. It is a practice that involves focusing on the present moment without judgment. Mindfulness meditation can help individuals to recognize negative thoughts and let them go. This technique helps individuals to become more aware of their thoughts and emotions and reduces the impact of negative thinking patterns.

3. Exercise:

Exercise is a natural antidepressant that can help individuals to manage negative thoughts of depression. Exercise releases endorphins that can boost mood and reduce anxiety and depression symptoms. Regular exercise can help individuals to feel better about themselves and improve their self-esteem. Exercise also provides a healthy distraction from negative thoughts.

4. Gratitude:

Gratitude is a powerful technique that can help individuals to focus on the positive aspects of life. Practicing gratitude can help individuals to recognize the good in their lives and feel more positive. Individuals can practice gratitude by keeping a gratitude journal, writing down things they are thankful for each day, or expressing gratitude to others. Gratitude can help shift the focus from negative to positive thoughts and improve overall well-being.

5. Talk to a Professional:

Talking to a professional can provide individuals with the necessary support and guidance to manage the negative thoughts of depression. A trained therapist can help individuals to identify negative thinking patterns and provide strategies to replace them with positive ones. Therapy can help individuals to improve their self-esteem, build resilience, and learn healthy coping mechanisms.

Conclusion: Depression is a difficult mental health issue to manage, but there are techniques that can help individuals to change negative thoughts associated with it. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness meditation, exercise, gratitude, and talking to a professional are all effective techniques for managing negative thoughts of depression. It is essential to find the technique that works best for you. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are experiencing depression. Contact a Professional Counselor in Richmond for Depression Counselling in RichmondVisit at nelumboconsultancy.com or Call us now – 0203 929 9125 to Book Appointment with Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal.

Managing Anxiety How Counseling Can Help

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal and necessary part of the human experience. It’s our natural response to perceived threats or stressors, and it can help us stay alert and focused. However, when anxiety becomes chronic and overwhelming, it can interfere with our ability to function.

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time. However, if you find yourself struggling with intense feelings of worry, fear, or dread that are affecting your daily life, you may benefit from seeking counseling. If you live in Richmond, you can rely on Nelumbo Consultancy for support. We offer a safe and non-judgmental space to explore your thoughts and feelings, and our goal is to help you develop effective coping strategies to manage your anxiety.

Symptoms of anxiety can include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Racing thoughts
  • Physical tension or muscle pain
  • Changes in appetite
  • Irritability or mood swings
  • Avoidance of certain situations or activities

What causes anxiety?

Anxiety can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environmental stressors, and past traumas. However, it’s not always easy to pinpoint the exact cause of anxiety, as it can sometimes develop without an obvious trigger.

How can counseling help with anxiety?

Anxiety Therapy near Richmond: Counseling can be an effective treatment for anxiety. In therapy, you can explore the underlying causes of your anxiety and learn new coping strategies to manage your symptoms. Your therapist may use a variety of techniques, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), or exposure therapy.

In addition, therapy can provide a safe and non-judgmental space to talk about your feelings and experiences. Sometimes, simply having someone to listen and validate your emotions can be incredibly helpful. 

Some practical tips to reduce anxiety?

While counseling can be an effective treatment for anxiety, there are also some practical strategies you can use to manage your symptoms on your own.

Here are a few tips:

  • Practice deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation
  • Get regular exercise
  • Practice mindfulness meditation or other relaxation techniques
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Get enough sleep
  • Connect with friends and family
  • Seek out support groups or online communities

ConclusionAnxiety can be a challenging and debilitating condition, but it’s important to remember that you don’t have to face it alone. Counseling can provide you with the support and tools you need to manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. If you’re looking for Counseling in Richmond, Visit at nelumboconsultancy.com or Call us now – 0203 929 9125 to Book Appointment with Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal.

Stress Therapy and Anger Management Counselling in Richmond

When a situation or event is perceived by a person as being overwhelming, beyond their abilities to cope, and threatening to their well-being, it is considered “stressful”.  Stress can result in feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, and depression, and even resultant health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.  Stress can affect the person in many ways including their work, school performance, relationships, social and recreational functioning, etc….

Sources of Stress:-


  • Physical environment: noise, bright lights, heath, confined spaces
  • Social: conflict or confrontation with others
  • Organizational: rules, regulations, deadlines, downsizing, mergers, changes
  • Major life events: death of a relative, lost job, promotion, wedding, moving into a new home, new baby
  • Daily hassles: commuting, misplacing things, running errands


  • Lifestyle: caffeine, sleep issues, overloaded schedule, unhealthy diet, alcohol, drugs
  • Negative self-talk: pessimistic thinking/attitude, self-criticalness, over-analyzing
  • Cognitive: unrealistic expectations, taking things personally, all-or-nothing thinking, exaggerating, and rigid thinking
  • Personality Traits: perfectionism, workaholic, pleaser
  • How to decrease Stress
  • Change lifestyle habits
  • Decrease caffeine intake (coffee, tea, pop, chocolate)
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule
  • Decrease consumption of junk food
  • Engage in social and leisure activities
  • Regular Exercise (at least 30 minutes, 3 times a week)
  • Practice relaxation, meditation, yoga, self-hypnosis
  • Change stressful situations or learn new skills
  • Time and money management
  • Assertiveness
  • Coping skills
  • Effective problem-solving skills
  • Change your thinking
  • Assess your expectation (realistic expectations)
  • Keep a sense of humor
  • Recruit a support system
  • Reframe negative thoughts using cognitive restructuring
  • Challenge catastrophic thinking using cognitive restructuring
  • Read Mind over Mood

To consult with a Psychologist in Richmond for Stress Therapy in Richmond, Visit at nelumboconsultancy.com or Call us now –  0203 929 9125 to Book Appointment with Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal.

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13 Rosslyn Rd, Twickenham, TW1 2AR


0203 929 9125



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