Couples Counselling and Therapists in Richmond | Nelumbo Consultancy

Couples Counselling and Therapists in Richmond

Author : nelumboDate : 01/29/2024

As a therapist, Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal work primarily from a relational dynamic perspective and she uses human diversity and social justice lenses to further inform her work. This means that she place particular emphasis on emotions and relationships, and that she strive to be emotionally present and available for authentic connection. It is her belief and experience that the work and healing of therapy occur within this connection. Therapy is thus a collaborative process of building an affirming relationship that leads to meaningful change.

She believes that trauma-informed practice means providing a safe, trusting space to build relationships and collaborate toward your therapeutic goals.

Marriage & Couples Counselling offers a wide range of approaches that incorporate a variety of models to work in different situations. Some of the most common approaches in couples counselling are Imago therapy, emotionally focussed therapy, and Gottman approach.

Couples Counselling near Richmond (or marriage counseling) is a process through which a couple (either married, engaged, or dating) engages in therapy together with a trained mental health professional. Your Nelumbo Consultancy will help you and your partner to identify specific areas of conflict in your relationship and areas that you’d like to improve. Your therapist will work collaboratively with you to develop a treatment plan to help you all work through challenges and strengthen your relationship.

One of the first undertakings of marriage & couples counselling is to set goals for the therapy. Establishing healthy communication within the relationship is one of the key components in any of the approaches make up their union, because this is what helps couples to better understand one another and the patterns that  Couples will be led to examine their communication styles and explore their attachment experiences. Healing past hurts and trauma is essential in building healthy future relationships.

Couple therapy in Richmond can help you feel closer, more secure and connected to each other. It can re-energise your relationship and give you the confidence to tackle future challenges together. If staying together is not the right outcome for you, couple therapy can help you separate with compassion and understanding for each other.

If you require further information regarding our Couples Counselling in Richmond please Contact Nelumbo Consultancy today or Visit at or Call us now – 0203 929 9125 to Book Appointment with Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal.


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