Please contact us via email info@nelumboconsultanyc.com or fill up contact us form on our website www.nelumboconsultancy.com
Your first appointment will last fifty minutes. This session will provide an opportunity for you to talk about your difficulties and their development, as well as your goals for therapy. Your therapy options will be discussed and at the end of the appointment a treatment approach and plan will be recommended.
This will depend on the nature of your difficulties, your goals for therapy and your chosen therapeutic approach.
What you discuss in sessions is kept private and confidential. In line with my professional duty of care this confidentiality will only be broken if there are concerns about your safety or the safety of another person. In these circumstances the necessary process would be discussed with you first where possible. In order to maintain best clinical practice I undertake regular supervision with another qualified psychological therapist. During these supervision discussions any identifying personal information is anonymised.
As Doctors of Psychology, psychologists are trained to the highest level and have spent a minimum of between 7 to 9 years training in a range of therapies. They also spend time working with different age groups, for example, spending between 6 to 12 months working with different groups such as adults, children and older adults. They also have research training so that they can assess the effectiveness of the therapies they provide. This ensures that they have the ability to monitor and adjust therapies so that you get the most effective type of therapy for you given your particular situation.

Counsellors often work in similar areas also providing therapy but many only specialise in one type of therapy and their training can be variable from days to years.

If you are looking for a highly trained professional with experience and who can draw upon a range of therapies and not just one therapy as well as monitor its effectiveness then a psychologist is better placed to help you.
Yes, we provide session on SKYPE.
There is no barrier to whom counselling can assist. We welcome you, regardless of your culture, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or employment group. Counselling is also not just for adult individuals, but is beneficial for couples, families, teenagers and children.
During your first session you can discuss with your psychologist. Your first appointment will be an assessment where you can discuss your issues and the different types of therapy that might help. Many of the therapists are also what is known as 'integrative', meaning they are trained in several types of therapy they can blend to best match your issues.
Ideally you will attend all sessions together as a couple. In instances where one of you is unable to attend, most therapists will see the person who can attend. The issues that arise in this individual session will then be shared at the next session when both partners are present.