Psychologist Near Me - Find Psychologist in Richmond, Twickenham - Nelumbo Consultancy

We can help you with...


Are you struggling to work out what could possibly get you going to reach your goal? We can help and guide you to create an environment which will bring you to that place.

Stress Management

Stress is a major problem in today’s society and unless effectively managed , it can hinder your activities and ability to lead a happy and fulfilled life. If you are unable to manage your stress levels, it is time to seek professional help.

Relationship Development

Prioritising your relationship matters will keep you going well with your partner. If you are struggling through this major relationship hustle in your life, you can contact us.

Our Therapists

Meet Our Founder

Bhavna, Founder of Nelumbo Consultancy, wanted to be dancer but she suffered a leg injury which shattered her dreams. She descended into a world of stress and demotivation but discovered inner strength to turn her situation around and help others. She started her UK organisation 2014, working in stress, motivation and relationship management.


Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal

Chartered Psychologist, Founder & Director, Counsellor, Public Speaker and Motivational Coach

About Bhavna

My name is Bhavna Jaiswal, and I am a Chartered Psychologist. I have over 10 years of counselling experience and have helped children, couples, young and elderly people. For 10 years’ I have taught psychology (child psychology, abnormal psychology and motivation) to post-graduate and undergraduate students. My breadth of experience has given me good insight in to understanding problems from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective.

BPS Registered Chartered Psychologist
British Psychological Society

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Let's Blog


Stress Therapy Counselling in Richmond

Stress is a pressure that we cannot cope with or that is overwhelming us. Stress has an impact on every…

Couples Counselling and Therapists in Richmond

As a therapist, Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal work primarily from a relational dynamic perspective and she uses human diversity and social…

Depression Counselling in Richmond

 When life’s difficulties cause anxiety, stress, conflict, trauma, depression, or exhaustion, your overall well-being will suffer.   Understanding how this distress has…

We also help you in the following issues

Anger   |   Depression   |   Bereavement   |   Anxiety   |   Personality Disorder   |   Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Contact us now to schedule a consultation.
We can support you to find your purpose in life.

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Twickenham Address:

13 Rosslyn Rd, Twickenham, TW1 2AR


0203 929 9125


Nelumbo Consultancy © 2023