
Breaking down the barriers between you and your goals

Do you often change your goals? Do you feel that you aren’t fulfilling your potential? Do you struggle to find your purpose in life? Do you feel a lack of confidence? Do you feel that you never achieve anything? Do you have ideas that never get past the planning stage?

It is possible that the problem is a lack of motivation.

The term motivation comes from the Latin for “moves” meaning “to move”. Motivation is the burning desire that compels you to take action. No one can dispute that all of us have needs. However not all of us have the same degree of motivation to fulfil those needs. Sometimes, it all just feels a little much. Maybe you have too many things to do and you don’t know where to start? Other times fulfilling your needs just doesn’t feel like a priority. Skipping breakfast and having a late lunch, for example, can lead to a lack of motivation; you could find yourself lacking the necessary glucose to help you think properly, and therefore find yourself unable to get much done.

Motivation doesn’t only come at the stage before acting. Surprisingly, often motivation often doesn’t arrive until after you have already started the task in hand. Newton’s first law states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion, and motivation is no different. Knowing that, logically, doesn’t make it any easier to get started. Sometimes, it can make it even more difficult to get started as you feel frustrated with yourself. That’s where we can help.

You may have peaks and troughs of motivation, but feel that it is not enough to drive you to act on meeting your needs. You may have lost the motivation to do the things that once brought you joy. Perhaps you’re finding it difficult just to do seemingly simple tasks? Logically you know that you can do it; you just can’t bring yourself to take that first step. Motivation can be depleted for a number of reasons, but we often find that it can simply be a symptom of underlying issues. At Nelumbo Consultancy we can help to support and guide you in finding out what those reasons are, and how to begin to fix the issues.

Seeking help with motivation is proof that you actually want to reach a point where you are forced to act, breaking the barriers that stand in your way. If you want to succeed in fulfilling your desires, you need to maximize your motivational energy. Many things can impact on your motivation, so think about it carefully. Are you struggling to work out what could possibly get you going to reach your goal? Have you read book after book, watched video after video of motivational speakers? We can support and guide you to create an environment which will bring you to the place where you have managed to achieve your goals.

These are few areas where therapy can help you

  • Maintaining motivation during difficult times
  • Improving your self-confidence
  • Combatting low self-esteem
  • Conquering fear of failure
  • Identifying your purpose in life
  • Practising self-motivation
  • Identifying the key to success

  • How to be organised
  • Answering the question “Who am I?”
  • Realistic goal-setting
  • Transitioning from negative to positive thinking
  • Addressing negative self-criticism
  • Improving your psychological well-being

  • Being happier
  • Achieving your goals
  • Learning how to act & think more positively
  • Solving problems effectively
  • Exploring your personal strengths
  • Stopping self-sabotaging behaviour

Other Services

Stress Management

Stress is a major problem in today’s society and unless effectively managed , it can hinder your activities and ability to lead a happy and fulfilled life. If you are unable to manage your stress levels, it is time to seek professional help.

Relationship Development

Prioritising your relationship matters will keep you going well with your partner. If you are struggling through this major relationship hustle in your life, you can contact us.

We deliver counseling services in the following format

Face to Face Individual

Couples Counselling

Skype/Telephone Session