Couples Counselling can be a positive experience at any stage of a relationship, as relationships pass through various stages new challenges and possibilities arise where counselling can facilitate growth, change and alleviate conflict. Very often, it is helpful when one or both of you are feeling misunderstood or isolated, or when you identify negative and destructive patterns. Couples counselling otherwise referred to as relationship counselling or, marriage counselling is an opportunity to air hurt and angry feelings in a safe, private and controlled setting and can help free you to find new, more positive, ways of relating.

What to Expect From Couples Counselling in Richmond

As Couples Counsellors in Richmond we provide a warm, supportive and non-judgmental environment, and we do not take sides. Couples counsellors do not come to the sessions with an agenda; we are not there to tell you what to do or to manipulate you into staying together. We are there to facilitate you in finding your own way forward; for some couples this will mean finding a more creative and positive future for the relationship, while for others it may mean helping you to accept and manage the end of a relationship.

In our assessment session we will clarify the issues on which we can seek to address in the therapy. For many clients this usually involves an initial commitment to ten sessions either on a weekly or fortnightly basis. However where there are multiple issues or where significant issues arise during the therapy a longer-term model will be appropriate.

Who Comes for Couples Counselling in Richmond?

Our clients come with a variety of concerns including breakdowns in communication, parenting, fertility, sexual relations, infidelity, financial pressures, loss or bereavements, work issues, transitions including preparing for marriage or managing a break up, cultural differences and age differential. We have experience of working with heterosexual and same sex couples, couples from mixed cultural backgrounds and couples from early twenties through to sixties.

Our Counselling and Psychotherapy Services

We have many years of experience, and provide a wide range of Counselling and Psychotherapy services. We also offer a range of approaches including Integrative Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy and Existential Psychotherapy.

Contact us for our Couples Counselling in Richmond

If you require further information regarding our Couples Counselling in Richmond please Contact Nelumbo Consultancy today or Visit at or Call us now – 0203 929 9125 to Book Appointment with Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal.