Sign of Stress in your Life - Get Stress Therapy Richmond

Sign of Stress in your Life

Author : nelumboDate : 12/24/2023

Sign of Stress in your Life

Everyone experiences stress in their life, But have you wondered if your feelings of anxiety or sadness are more than just stress? Knowing the signs can help you get the help you need. Here are some sign of stress which impact your life.

Sign #1: Not Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is important for our bodies and minds to recharge and operate at peak performance.  The optimal amount of sleep for an adult 18-64 years old is 7-9 hours each night. If you don’t get enough sleep, you operate at a less efficient level and incur a “sleep debt.”

how you feel at night when you are not sleeping is important. If you are feeling more stressed, anxious or depressed at night, or if you feel that you can’t shut off the thoughts in your head, then you might benefit from some extra coping strategies.

Sign #2: Increased Alcohol or Drug Use

A glass of wine (or two) can help you decompress at the end of a long day. But, is it becoming hard to get through the day, or an evening, without a drink or a puff to take the edge off? Increased alcohol or drug use can be a sign that you are struggling with more than just stress.

One way to monitor your stress is to notice when you are looking forward to that glass at an earlier time earlier than usual. Physical symptoms such as dehydration or headaches are also good signs of abuse. When these occur regularly, you may be dealing with more than just stress. 

Sign #3: Isolating Yourself

It is understandable that, from time-to-time, you need to get away from people to relax. For introverts, spending some alone time is how they recharge their batteries. It becomes a problem when you isolate yourself from others all or most of the time.

This is especially true if you reduce or eliminate contact with those who are close to you and care deeply for you.One way to determine if “alone time” is at a healthy level is to notice if you draw energy from it.

Sign #4: Loss of Interest

Did you have something that you were passionate about, such as a sport or hobby, but that interest has faded? Sometimes we move on to other activities that interest us more.  Other times,  this may be another warning sign of depression. In fact, it’s one of the most common symptoms.

Sign #5: Risk-Taking Behavior

Do you need to feel a thrill in order to feel alive?  You might be getting tired of activities that you used to enjoy. If you feel that you need something more “intense” to get the same level of satisfaction, and if this leads you to unhealthy risk taking behavior, you might be waving a red flag.

Of course, there can be healthy risk-taking behavior like doing something that is outside your comfort zone.  Risk-taking behavior that results in a sign of something more than stress involves a feeling of “I don’t care about the consequences.”

Sign #6: Eating Problems

When you feel stressed, do you reach for food to soothe yourself? Do you avoid food as much as possible because the thought of eating is too stressful?

Everyone’s appetite responds to stress differently. Food, especially your favorite kind, can stimulate your brain to produce dopamine. This neurotransmitter allows you to experience pleasure. One way the brain responds to stress is to push you toward an activity that produces dopamine. Consuming foods high in sugar, carbs or sodium is one of the easiest ways for the brain to accomplish a quick boost.

Sign #7: Lack of Concentration

Have trouble staying focused? Not being able to concentrate or having a foggy memory could be signs of depression or anxiety. Depression often shows up as a lack of energy and motivation, making efforts to focus harder than usual. Anxiety, on the other hand, can show up as a more heightened state that focuses on your worries.

If you are noticing that your difficulty with focus and concentration is coming in the way of completing daily tasks, you may be recognizing a red flag.

Sign #8: Feeling Grumpy

Stress can leave you in a grumpy mood. But, if you are always feeling irritable, that can also be a sign of depression.

Society makes anger more acceptable than other, more vulnerable feelings. Raising your voice at someone that mistreated you feels safer than crying in front of someone that hurt you.

Sign #9: Avoiding Certain Situations

It can be tempting to avoid certain situations because they stress you out. For instance:

– Not wanting to touch particular objects because they are “dirty.”

– Staying away from crowded places, either inside or outside.

– Preferring not to fly in an airplane for fear that something bad will happen.

– Having to perform rituals that help soothe you.

Sign #10: Having Negative Thoughts

Stress can certainly cause negative thinking. But if those thoughts drift towards thoughts of hurting yourself or suicide, then there’s a much deeper problem. Seek out help immediately. Interestingly, when you experience these thoughts, you see them as “rational,” and may not challenge them. But there is no valid reason, ever, that you deserve to be hurt or even worse, die.

What to do next:

There will always be stressful situations to navigate. get the support you need to allow you to take back your life. You can feel more in control, and less stressed, and life can feel much better than this. Contact us to set an appointment for Stress Therapy Richmond with one of our counselors at Nelumbo Consultancy Call us now – 0203 929 9125. We love to help people feel better and enjoy life! 


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