About Nelumbo | Nelumbo Consultancy

Company Profile

Nelumbo Consultancy started in 2014 with the vision of helping individuals, couples and the community to improve productivity through positive motivation and effective stress management. We believe that any challenge can be met effectively through the use of psychological therapies. We aim to provide a complete solution, by equipping individuals with the tools to focus on their goals at the same time as dealing with the real anxieties arising from modern living.

Meaning of Nelumbo

The Botanical name of the Lotus is Nelumbo. Lotus is a symbol of purity, spontaneity and Divine Beauty. It emerges from dirty water to blossom into a pure uncontaminated flower. Despite the lotus growing in muddy waters it still retains such beauty. It makes no pretence of being better than it is and yet it’s naturally beautiful. In spite of being in water it is never wet. It is not bothered about its surrounding but it blooms and vanishes. It teaches us to perform actions without being attached to their outcome and also not to bother about the external factors that may influence the action. The Lotus closes itself at night and sinks underwater for the whole night and waiting for the Sun to reappear at dawn when it unfurls itself again. This signifies the fact that the human mind flourishes with the illumination of spiritual thought and squirms without it. The lotus leaf does not get wet despite being in water and similarly a person is ever blissful, untouched by the sorrows and the changes which are characteristic of the world. At Nelumbo Consultancy we believe that a person can overcome the difficulties of their situation and blossom into a new way of thinking and living just like a lotus.

Nelumbo Lotus

Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision

To build a platform of reliable, unbiased mental health professionals who provide stress, motivation and relationship management services. This platform would provide tailor-made services in a responsive manner, which can be accessed from anywhere and is fully digital  

Our Mission

To help and support those who are struggling with mental health issues so that they can withstand adversity, be motivated to achieve their goals and live the life that they deserve.  

Our Values

  • Responsive, tailor-made services addressing clients‘ needs
  • Consistent high quality service delivery to all clients
  • Strong coordination and a warm working relationship between management, team and the client
  • Confidential, non-judgmental, secure

Meet The Founder

Bhavna, Founder of Nelumbo Consultancy, wanted to be dancer but she suffered a leg injury which shattered her dreams. She descended into a world of stress and demotivation but discovered inner strength to turn her situation around and help others. She started her UK organisation 2014, working in stress, motivation and relationship management.


Dr. Bhavna Jaiswal

Chartered Psychologist, Founder & Director, Counsellor, Public Speaker and Motivational Coach

About Bhavna

My name is Bhavna Jaiswal, and I am a Chartered Psychologist. I have over 10 years of counselling experience and have helped children, couples, young and elderly people. For 10 years’ I have taught psychology (child psychology, abnormal psychology and motivation) to post-graduate and undergraduate students. My breadth of experience has given me good insight in to understanding problems from a theoretical as well as a practical perspective.

BPS Registered Chartered Psychologist
British Psychological Society

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Twickenham Address:

13 Rosslyn Rd, Twickenham, TW1 2AR


0203 929 9125



Nelumbo Consultancy © 2023